Stress in Russian

I know that stress in Russian is unmarked outside of dictionaries and quite unpredictable, but I am curious as to how it varies with a single word.

Does the stress change if a verb changes tense, or conjugates?

Does an adjective's stress change as it changes to agree with its associated noun?

I know perfective vs. imperfective verbs are often directly derived from each other (even if not predictably so), differing only with the addition of an affix. In such verb pairs, is stress identically placed?

What about other verbs that are derived from simpler verbs? I know verbs of motion are often built out of simpler verbs with prefixes and suffixes. Do those affixes affect stress?

Are compound nouns stressed just like their component nouns?

Is there anything else I should know about stress in Russian?

Thanks so much.

submitted by /u/JakeYashen
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