Favorite Processes/Games/Activities for Solo Language Study

Hey y'all, I've been stuck in a bit of a rut recently and I'm looking for some creative ways to break out of it. Since I came back home a few years ago, vocab acquisition in my target language has been very, very slow. Nowadays, I can carve out 30-45 minutes at work normally to do some practice, but my tried and true methods simply aren't doing it for me anymore (they work, but they take too much time).

What I'm looking for are your favorite activities, be they short term "find words and get them on paper/in Anki" or week(+)-long processes. I can reasonably devote 30-45 minutes/day 2-3 days/week, and I'm looking to cover 10-15 words/week.

Also, I'm purposefully omitting my target language from the post, because I want this to be as language agnostic as possible (even though some activities do suit some languages better than others...). Also, do you have any activities/processes that are better for different levels, i.e. something for an A2 learner may not suit a C1 learner and vice verse.


submitted by /u/Creedcow
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