Should I view video content with subtitles?

Hey /languagelearning/

I'm a Spanish guy learning German. To practice listening, every day I watch one episode of a show in German. I watch shows that I've already watched, then I have more context to understand each scene and the overall plot (I'm watching Breaking Bad at this moment... for the 3rd time hahaha).

My question is: what would you say is the best method for practicing, subtitle-wise?

  • Watch it with subtitles in my language (Spanish). The pros would be: easier to understand new words as they get translated automatically. The cons are getting distracted by the subtitles and unconsciously stop focusing my attention in the listening.
  • Watch it with subtitles in German. The pros would be: focusing completely on German, without distractions in Spanish. Also I have an open online translator on the side where I search some of the new words that keep coming. The cons are, for example, the fact that I may tend to stop focusing on the listening and just keep reading (also, most of the times the subtitles and the spoken lines differ).
  • Watch it without subtitles. The main pro is just focusing on what they are saying, my attention can't drift to anything else. The cons I guess is understanding less than with subtitles.

From my experience, I think that the third option is the best one to practice, I may be wrong tough. Also, it is worth noting that this may depend on your level in the language (If you are completely new you may want to go to the first one). In my case, my level is beginner/beginner-intermediate (B1).

What are your views on this? What have you found out with your personal experience?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Didacc
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