How to overcome perfectionism?

Perfectionism prevents me from progressing in any of the languages I'm learning.

For some reason I just want to know every single word/grammar pattern in the language I'm learning before I will start using it, because if I will find a word (e.g. in an article) that I don't understand I get discouraged and think that I'm not ready yet/haven't learned enough words to start using the language - because of that I end up wasting my time learning words (that I will forget the next day/never use ever again) like aalähnlich (ger. eellike), gosig (swe. huggable), slöngustjarna (ice. ophiuroid) or 氣管 (man. trachea) - and it really annoys me that although I already know 1000s of words there are still words that I don't know.

Also because of my perfectionism I avoid using more complex sentences although I know how to say them - but my brain tells me that it may not be 100% correct (even for simple things like "what's the time?"), so I tend to use words/sentences that I'm sure they are correct - so e.g. at school I end up saying just "yes" instead of a longer answer/more complex answer e.g. "yes, but/because/... XYZ" - I prefer to stay within my comfort zone and not risk making a mistake and embarrassment.

How to overcome perfectionism?

submitted by /u/____silence____
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