Children/Baby language exposure via Skype? (Mandarin specifically)

Has anyone exposed their young children to other languages via Skype (Italki)? Is it worth it to expose a 1 year old to Mandarin once a week until they can take lessons later?

More details: Our 1 yr old baby is being raised bilingual (English/Spanish). We live in Texas and husband’s side is Venezuelan so there’s lots of opportunity for exposure.

We’d also like to have our child learn Mandarin but most lessons and camps don’t start until age 3-5yrs old.

Would there be any benefits to having a native speaker talk to a baby via Skype so that they are at least exposed to the language early? Or is it a myth that if not exposed young, they won’t get the tones correct like a native speaker? Another option would be to have a Mandarin speaking babysitter but that is only once per month.

submitted by /u/peasoverwar
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from Γειά σας | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
