What's the best way to get Netflix audio in a target language?

I'm rapidly discovering that Netflix's language functions are absolutely abysmal. I'm trying to get audio in Italian and am having very little luck.

I've tried:

  • Starting shows and changing the audio. Inevitably it only has English, or Spanish if any other language. This is true for videos which I know have other language dubs, such as Disney movies (which are in dozens of languages on YouTube)
  • Changing the language settings - this changes the menus and descriptions, but has no effect on the audio
  • Using https://www.netflix.com/browse/audio/it - this just returns a long list of items which might have Italian audio (many seem not to have Italian audio at all)

I know that people use Netflix in other languages, so how do I actually do that?

submitted by /u/IvanOmeara
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