Well-known English words

I live in a region of the US with little linguistic diversity and, although I have gone on to study Spanish pretty extensively, I didn't start learning it until I was 15. Despite this, before I started studying, I knew many basic Spanish-language words (hola, bueno, uno, dos, gracias, perro, etc.) In total, I would estimate maybe 30 words. These words, however, are very well-known and it seems like every English-speaker knows most of them, even people in my community that is severely lacking in Spanish-speakers. This all being said, my question is for people that grew up in a non-English environment outside of the US or in a country that doesn't have English as a national language: What English-language words do most people know without having studied English? Hello? Thank you? Good? I am interested in seeing the results.

submitted by /u/Tikaritaivas
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