Tips and Advice for the Unenthusiastic

I'm a native English speaker who is planning to teach English in Japan in the (relatively) near future and will likely be living there for about a year. As such I am planning on learning an amount of Japanese both for the obvious practical reasons and as a matter of courtesy. Unfortunately while I am excited to teach English, travel Japan, and experience the culture, I have no inherent attraction to the language.

I have two main problems:

1) I aim to learn enough to get by and be polite but have no ambitions or illusions of becoming fluent. To what level should I aspire and what learning resources are right for me?

2) I am having a very hard time staying motivated and keeping to a schedule. So far I've been using Duolingo (which I know this sub recommends only as a supplement) but have been lax in doing even that regularly. How do you guys keep yourselves disciplined and stay motivated? Part of this is just forming habits I know but any other tips or tricks would really help!

Also, since many of you in this sub do love Japanese, please feel free to wax poetic and convert me to your viewpoint! I would love to be enlightened :P

submitted by /u/metaGray
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from ansa| Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
