Tip for any language learners who game

I don't know why I didn't think to post this here a while ago, but for any gamers on this sub, there's a fps called Titanfall, in which you're a pilot that controls a huge robot. In the game, you can change the language of your Titans OS. There are a bunch of languages to choose from, German, Italian, French, Japanese, Russian, and I think one or two more. You can also turn on subtitles that translate what your Titan is saying. I've been learning German casually for the past couple years, and this definitely helped, even if just a little bit. Just thought I'd share!

Edit: only the first Titanfall has this feature, the second one doesn't. Both games are still really awesome and fun to play. I got the first one on XB1 for about $10 USD.

submitted by /u/DwNhIllN00b
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