Should I start with the Grammar or the Alphabet for Japanese?

Hello! I am currently taking a Japanese course in Duolingo (Since I didn't fin any near my area) and I have noticed that it starts off by teaching me the alphabet and the sound each Hiragana character makes.

I have some experience learning and teaching languages that use the same alphabet as me (Latin) but this is the first time I am officially stepping away from that.

Is it correct to start off by learning the alphabet? I feel like I am indeed making out the sounds but I don't know what they mean, I am just kinda memorizing them and writing them down and saying them out loud. I have a feeling is the same process as when you learn how to read for the first time in which you start off by learning the characters and their sounds, however, when you learn how to read, you already knows how to communicate in your mother tongue, is not the same for when you are learning a language for the first time.

Should I continue with the alphabet? Or should I start looking into Grammar and Vocabulary at the same time?

submitted by /u/NotAllAltmer
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