Obscure Korean or Highly relevant Chinese?

I am Swedish, as the title suggests (Probably doesn't add anything but hey, here we are). Recently, I've picked up an interest in the Korean language, much due to taking a Chinese class in my last year of upper secondary school.

This puts me in a bit of a predicament. I like both languages (Compared to all other options), but so far really love Korean, whereas I'm pretty neutral about learning Chinese, and mostly see it as a way of boosting my career. The problem that I see with learning Korean instead of Chinese is the limited exposure i would get by comparison, and the very small chance that it would ever help me when looking for a job. This is where Chinese shines for me, and why I'm afraid of passing on the opportunity of learning it. There's a lot of Chinese people immigrating to Sweden, much due to Chinese companies investing in Swedish ones. And China is a pretty big player in the global economy, so the chances of being exposed to it in work and in life are big.

TLDR: Will a lack of real life exposure to Korean make me lose my motivation down the line? And in that case, would choosing Chinese (Which I'm not quite as passionate about right now) be easier to stay motivated for due to me being exposed to it more in my daily life?

submitted by /u/Bagoolv2
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