I'm really advanced into learning the English language, however, I fail at producing correct grammar sentences almost every time.

It's more or less on off-putting thing. I use the language very intuitive, basically, I've tried adapting things I've seen often like that "-" thing. As I received a lot of English media exposure (10000h in 4 years), I grew from B1- to C2- in reading comprehension and listening comprehension.

However, I feel like there's that one small thing which keeps me away from being like a native speaker. It's not the lack of vocabulary that annoys me (I actually learn 5 a day and read books weekly), but more or less the producing of natural English sentences. And grammar plays a big part in it. The biggest problem (or maybe not, as I will not learn the English grammar this way by translating it from German) is probably, that I don't even know the German grammar good as well, as the teacher trying to explain the English grammar explains it by giving examples of how it is in German... the thing is, I am so bad in it, that English is literally intruding into my way of phrasing things in German. My pronunciation isn't bad either. I don't really sound like German anymore, however, it isn't British either, yet.

Should I just read more books?

Edit: Another thing that actually annoys me how do I bad in vocabulary tests, because I actually can not get any English words into my head by looking into the German sentence, so I end up writing bad grades, however in exams and national exams I've done so good the teacher one questioned why the graded 4 pupil is far better than the graded 1 pupil in the national exam in 8. grade.

submitted by /u/Flip_Flappers
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