Hungarian Learning part 2

So I posted earlier or not too long ago about learning hungarian, and how the history of peoples is carried in their language. I figured out that Hungarian has some asian heritage, due to the fact that their vowels are formed as phrases, rather than simply the words, a more western idea(the words) vs a more asian ideal (the vowels).

Since amazing languages tend to make use of both their constants and vowels, it appears hungarian is organized so that the constants are carried by the words, and the vowels are carried by the phrases. Thus phrases are made to fit what is called vowel harmony, which is basically the vowel grammar of the language.

It basically means this:

In english we say, we went to the store. These are words.

In hungarian, these are just vowels. That means if I say, we went to the store today, I separate the phrase

We - went to the store - Today

The phrase went to the store is an asian model and this is how asians talk. most of the time.

Maybe a purely western idea is that they are all individual words.

This sentence for example

Maybe a purely wester idea - is - that they are all individual words

So in hungarian it appears this is done by the vowels, not by the words meaning

if this sentence written here is hungarian then

if this sentence - written here - is hungarian - then (or is hungarian then depending on who you are)

i i e e e - i e e e - i u a i a - e

that is the vowel harmony and constitutes the primary constituent of what appears to be hungarian grammar and word organization. The words are really organized in what appears to be whatever way they want, just like any other language, however it is not done via the words, but the vowels, meaning if the words are rearranged any way, it won't make sense, because the vowels aren't lined up correctly.

This is what I got so far.

So it appears hungarians think like this.

They focus on making sure the vowels are correct (but women pronounce mostly the vowels while men pronounce mostly the constants, probably due to the war against the french for them... )[-since the french pronounce the vowels mostly and use constants as skips]

English on the other hand uses vowels as skips. We don't really focus on pronouncing them, they're just there. But we have to know which one we're going to say next, and so french is the same but the opposite.

In English, we focus... I focus on getting the point across. They probably focus on the individual word. every single one. like that.

I don't, I use phrases. I use phrases to fucking speak can you believe that. Oh well.

submitted by /u/238943983827
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