Help In Learning Finnish

So, a little bit of background.
I was born i Helsinki, Finland in the 90s. But my family moved to Sweden when I was about 3-4 years old. I already started to pick up some fractions of the Finnish language, but we mainly spoke Swedish and/or English in our family. It's mostly due to the nannies and Kindergartens that I picked up Finnish at that age.

After a few years, I stopped speaking Finnish, due to me not needing the language. There were no reason for me to speak Finnish anymore. I had my education in all Swedish speaking cities/schools.

But now, in recent years, I started meeting more and more of my relatives. The biggest margin of my family tree are from the top part in Finland. So in general, I stared gaining interests in the language, But not enough for me to actually study it.

The beginning of this year (2018) I started working in a hotel in Mallorca. There, I met my girlfriend and many, many new friends. Fun thing is, most are Finns. Now I really started doing serious research in how to acquire the Language in the best way. But IT'S SUCH A HARD LANGUAGE.

The problem is, there's sooo much information about learning the language, and such a different way they construct their sentences. They glue words together for a meaning to make sense, hence their long ''Words''. But it's so much that I'm losing interest in learning. I want help with the best way of learning the language.

I do have a Finnish girlfriend now, but I can't rely on her the entire time either. She is helpful, but here English is really not good, so I'm currently teaching here the best I can with here English.

Please do write some recommendations on what way I can structure the way to study this incredibly hard language!

submitted by /u/GoldenLeech
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