Has a foreign language teacher ever tried to correct you on your native language?

This question is inspired by my friend. My friend is a native Spanish speaker living in the US. He took Spanish in high school. The teacher, a non-native speaker, told the class “You Hispanics think you’re going to get an easy A in this class, but I’m going to make it as hard on you as the other students. And by the way, ‘bolígrafo’ doesn’t mean ‘pen.’ It’s ‘lápiz.’”

According to the RAE (Real Académica Española):

Bolígrafo = Instrumento para escribir que tiene en su interior un tubo de tinta especial y, en la punta, una bolita metálica que gira libremente. (Instrument for writing that has a tube of special ink on the inside and a small ball of metal on the point that turns freely.)

Lápiz = Utensilio para escribir o dibujar formado por un cilindro o prisma de madera con una barra de grafito en su interior. (Utensil for writing or drawing formed by a cylinder of prism made of wood with a bar of graphite in its interior.)

submitted by /u/sarah_the_intern
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