Should I learn Chinese or Russian?

I really, really like languages, but I only know English, and I’ve always wanted to learn another so I guess that’s my reason for learning a language in general. But I want to learn either Chinese or Russian because both of them are very commonly spoken, and they are very interesting as a whole.

I want to learn Russian because I watch a lot of Russian youtubers and I think it sounds absolutely amazing... I don’t even know why XD. As well as reading the literature might be nice. But it’s probably the hardest language I could possibly learn, considering I hate learning grammar and long words. Which is another reason why Chinese is so easy for me. Oh, and I’m partially from Latvia. It doesn’t really matter but I guess I’d add that in.

I want to learn Chinese because it’s really easy (first of all), with almost exclusively very short words and very easy grammar, but also because I have a lot of Chinese friends and want to move to Singapore and visit Hong Kong! The only hard part for me is the tone mǎ, no really! That’s the only hard thing about mandarin for me! The characters are fun to learn, too!

I mean, it obviously seems like Chinese is the one I should learn, but I just think that Russian sounds really cool, and I don’t know ANY Chinese animation YouTube channels. I don’t know why I really want that, but I just really like animation channels, and there’s like, a million Russian youtubers of all types! And I might sound a little bit rude, and that’s not how I mean to come off, but aren’t tones... a bit limiting? I mean, it’s harder to express your emotions when you’re being told how to say your words. There’s no fluidity, i-ma-gine-if-we-tal-ked-like-thi-s. You wouldn’t be able to speak fast without slurring your words. Which is exactly what they do.

Anyways, that’s really all I have to say... sorry for the wall of text hehe.

submitted by /u/lizard-of-truth
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from Nok aba ɗaw | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
