Need help getting my German chops up to pass German class.

I've been taking German for a while now, and I'm a Sophomore now. The German teacher last year was doing a good mix of German and English, and it was pretty easy to follow. Now, this year, she has gone full blast 100% German. She has speaking assessments testing our fluency, and our speaking skills or lack thereof. I have been consistently been getting zeros. So my point is, I cannot speak a lick of German. And, I'm somehow expected to understand and speak to her in 100% fluent German. It doesn't help that this class is required. I WILL fail this class if I don't somehow learn how to speak German within the next month. On top of all of this, last year I thought I enjoyed German class so much that I signed up for the Germany trip in a few months. I'm seriously screwed, if I don't get these credits. Any help would mean a lot!

submitted by /u/DoomGuy9502
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