How do you go about learning a language from your girlfriend/boyfriend?

My girlfriend can speak Cantonese (or she describes it as village Cantonese) and all her family speaks it together. She admits that her Cantonese isn't perfect and there is a lot that she doesn't know. But I mostly want to learn it for her and her family, and hopefully for our future children. It doesn't matter to me that her Cantonese isn't strictly correct to the wider world.

I was wondering what kind of day-to-day activities we can do to help build my vocabulary. Neither of us know what we are doing and I'm sure there is a better way than constantly asking her 'How do you say this in Cantonese?'

I wouldn't be asking this if it was something like French or German. There are abundance of resources in those languages, I wouldn't strictly have to rely on my girlfriend. But with Cantonese resources are a bit thin on the ground (especially given that it's more of an spoken language)

Any tips or advice? What do you guys do?

submitted by /u/Harionago
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