Should I learn Esperanto before continuing with German?

For the past month I've dived into learning German, and it is definitely a language I want to become fluent in in the future. I have made a bit of progress definitely, as this time last month I could barely say a couple of words, however, I can see that it will take a considerable amount of time to be able to understand most texts etc, let alone become conversational.

I've done some research into Esperanto recently also, and have seen a lot of studies spanning the past century that essentially say that not only will Esperanto be a much quicker language to learn (become conversational in etc) than most, but it also has the benefit of aiding a learner in their ability to learn subsequent languages. Multiple studies conclude that for people new to language learning, more progress can be made in a target language in a shorter amount of time with learning esperanto first than if learners only did the target language from day 1. That's essentially 2 languages in less time than trying to learn one.

As I can currently only speak English fluently, would it perhaps be a good idea to focus the next couple of months on Esperanto, with a bit of German, and then once I'm happy with Esperanto go straight full into German learning? I'm not too bothered about time frames.

submitted by /u/Maximoford
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