Just a few days ago the language immersion game, "Lingotopia" was released on Steam! Here's some info for everyone interested!

Lingotopia is one of the only language related games currently out, and certainly the best! Lingotopia combines a literal immersive environment with the fun factor of any normal game.

Immersion is normally incredibly hard to accomplish, often requiring paying lots of money to travel or take a class, but with Lingotopia all you do is put on a pair of headphones and open the game. There you are sent into a world where everyone only speaks the language you are learning, give you a true immersive experience without the giant price tag.

I personally have logged about 16 hours in this game in the past few days(That's how great it is!), and would recommend it to anyone learning any number of languages. For just the one price you get more than 30 languages that you can learn at any time.

The game also runs on bad computers! With a large variety of graphics settings and window setups, you can make the game work on high fps whether you're playing on a toaster or a NASA super computer.

If anyone is interested, the Lingotopia subreddit is r/Lingotopia. There you will find links to the game's discord, as well as buy page on Steam. Happy learning!

submitted by /u/iFafnir
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