Can you paraphrase my story?

Can you paraphrase my story?

Hi, I am learning English. Can you paraphrase my story in your own words? I want to learn to tell a story like a native speaker. You can use the imagination to describe what happened with vivid details. You can add more actions, more descriptions and details. I also want it to be colloquial.

"My brother put a bag of laundry powder under his metal bed. When he tried to pull it out, something sharp like a hook hold the bag. He used more force and then he tore off the bag. Then there was a hole in the middle of the bag. But the bag was still under the bed. If he continued to pull it out with great force, the powder would pour out!! He then found a sticky tape to seal the hole. He bend his body, went into under the bed, and pasted the tape onto the hole!!So no more powder would spill!

He then pulled the bag out. But he wanted to organize it. The bag with a tape was so ugly!!! He wanna use a plastic bottle to store it.

He got a piece of paper, folded it into the cone and cut a hole at one end. So he made a tunnel!! He placed the mouth of tunnel onto the top of the bottle. Then he used another piece of paper to sweep the powder into the bottle!!!!!"

submitted by /u/CookingLearner
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