APPs that records and playback

Since I din't found out anything better, I'm using "Talking Tom".

Simple and easy, it listen and speaks back with a "funny voice".

The pro is that since it modifies the voice a little, I find it better because I don't like my voice very much... when I speak wrong, it lessens the "blow", since it's not "my voice".

The actual pro and what makes me use it is: it hears and then speaks when you go silent for a breath, no clicking needed.

The cons: it's f* stupid. All the yawning and child shit...

If anyone know something better, I would be really awesome. Training pronunciation without have to waste time clicking here and there is just priceless... shame they waste it's potential.

submitted by /u/Capetoider
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from Merhaba | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
