Questions about IPA vowel positions

I'm learning French pronunciation with the IPA system and I had a question about the vowel chart. I found this vowel chart for French (it's edited by myself, I'll explain this later) and I noticed that the vowels are slightly, but still noticeably off from the standard (?) IPA vowel chart that contains all the sounds (the colours corresponding with where they are on the standard chart). So my two questions are: 1) Do the slightly difference positions make a difference in when learning these sounds, or does their slight change in position from the standard chart not make an audible difference? (or rather, is it important) 2) How do I take into account the different position from the standard position to try to be as precise as possible when making these sorts in accordance to their positions?

I assume the different positions are there for a reason, especially comparing them to other languages like Italian for example that also has very similar but slightly different positions for the same vowels as well. Specifically for the second question it's puzzling to think of how to make these sounds in their exact position, or at least as approximant as possible, compared to its standard place. I can find many clips showing the pronunciation of these sounds in their standard position but not in the exact position according to the French IPA chart, and I'm also not sure exactly how to make those small differences; like with /e/ for example, I can pronounce it as in its standard position, but trying to imagine pulling my tongue back slightly and pronouncing it still produces the same sound to my ears.

What are some tips? As my aim is to perfect these sounds in French.

submitted by /u/lingesale
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