My issue with learning English - "Unidirectional exposure"

Hello fellow redditors! I thought that I should write here about my issue with my knowledge of the English language. The issue has bothered me for multiple years. I can not solve it alone even though I've tried to solve it many times. The issue is related to my knowledge of the English language.


I was exposed to the English language for the first time when I was five years old. Since that time I've learned new things about the English language nearly daily. These days I usually watch videos and shows which are in English for up to two hours a day. Apart from that I also get unidirectional exposure from elsewhere. I think that my English language skills are around or slightly better than the skills of a mediocre Finnish youngster.

My listening- and reading abilities: When I listen or read English speech or text, I seldom hear or see any words or phrases that I don't know. When listening to English speech I understand the speech even if it is very fast. I can read basic English texts almost as fast as those of my native language, but if the words get long and scientific things start to slow down but I'll still understand nearly everything.

My issue - Speaking and writing:

I can not produce English speech and writing easily. While speaking and writing it is difficult and requires a lot of effort to produce words and sentences. My sentences and ideas in English (Spoken and written) are simple and contain only simple and often used words. Often I have to open a dictionary online to figure out a word I should use in a sentence. But when I find the correct word, I feel dumb because nearly every word that is mentioned there I knew already but I just could not remember them. Because of this I always re-read every post or comment multiple times before I post it on the web. Also when I am abroad in a restaurant, I always memorize everything I'll have to say on the counter to the employee beforehand.

What I have tried:

I've tried to increase the usage of English in my everyday life. Among other things I have changed the language in my devices from Finnish to English. I have also started to engage in conversations in English more daringly with English natives and others. However these opportunities don't happen often because I don't travel very often and I know very few foreigners living in my area (I know that using the language regularly would help me the most but I can't). I also use the web so I get exposure from there too.

My goals regarding the English language:

I wish my knowledge of the English language improved from B2 to C1-2 (CEFRL) within the next five years, because my big dream is to move abroad and live there for the rest of my life. It is one of my largest ambitions in my life at the moment. I know that my knowledge of the English language would improve drastically while living there, but I would want that my knowledge of the English language was very good before it so that I could get a job there. I am willing to do a lot of work in order to reach my goal.

Closing words:

I'd be extremely grateful for each and every single one of the responds because they'll hopefully help me get a bit closer to my dream. A very big thank you in advance to everyone and I hope that you all are having a great day.

PS. All of this text was first written in Finnish and then translated to English whit the help of a dictionary because of the aforementioned reasons.

submitted by /u/InnominateRedditor
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