I'm making a website that allows people to practice speaking English by themselves. Would love some feedback.

In my experience, the hardest skill to master when learning a language is Speaking. I'm having a hard time since I don't live in an English-speaking country, so I decided to make a website that helps people practice it by themselves. It's currently focused on English students, but I could expand it.

The idea is to use a combination of different exercises to help you develop a more fluent speech, so that the right words come to your mind quickly, thus allowing you to speak without making too many stops. The coolest thing is that it will use A.I. to help you improve your English even further while practicing what you already know.

The website is not finished yet, but I'd love to hear some feedback. http://caiocamatta.pythonanywhere.com/ (I don't have a cool address yet)

submitted by /u/CaioCamatta
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via Learn Online English Speaking
