I’m interested in a Swedish penpal!

Hi, I’m currently a junior in college for teaching and looking to get into learning Swedish!

I recently went on a trip to Sweden on a study abroad and fell in love with the place, and have begun duolingo as a way of trying to learn the language.

My ultimate goal is honestly to be able to teach there (my subject being technology and engineering at a elementary-middle school equivalency) and I wish to have someone to compete/ grow with in terms of understanding Swedish and eventually being able to prove competency to then become a citizen and worker there.

If you are interested please comment below or pm me. I would love to get someone who’s capable of talking everyday or every other day at the least as it seems that having someone to talk and grow with in this language would help immensely.

submitted by /u/lmstaple
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from Merhaba | Languagelearning https://ift.tt/2yYX7ua
via Learn Online English Speaking
