How to learn idioms and other phrasal stuff?

Idioms are completely non-obvious by their literal meaning, and the meaning they express can be formulated in may ways with simpler words. The usual methods like cloze deletion or phrase/definition dont seem to work well.

Currently, I have cloze cards like these:

(Topic: "Big Lies") You have to keep your [...] to prevent these people pulling the wool over your eyes.

You have to keep your wits about you to prevent these people pulling the [...].

(Topic: "Gulliver's Travels") The lands I visited and the strange peoples I met are not imaginary, I didn't make them [...].

That is, I leave main verb exposed, but cloze 'most variable/non-obvious part' of the phrase. So, the recall task is converted to 'complete the pattern', which itself works well, but I'm not sure if it does well for learning.

How do you deal with such stuff?

Back in my childhood I've seem some Czech or Polish book about Russian idioms. It had images depicting situations for each idiom. Red images depicted literal meaning, which was pretty funny, and colourful images depicted right meaning. Perhaps, the most perfect scheme. But I doubt it's possible to create such cards.

submitted by /u/qwiglydee
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