Caught between two languages, need help choosing which to fully commit to

I've been conflicted on whether to fully commit myself to learning Korean or Mandarin Chinese. I know basic vocab/grammar for both languages. Chinese seems to be easier for me as I'm more comfortable with SVO than SOV (I'm conversational in another SOV language), although I have yet to practice tones.

My motivation for learning Korean boils down to my strong interest in hallyu, while for Chinese it would have to be the massive utility of the language, opening many opportunities to converse with people around me. I would say I'm much more captivated by Korean culture and cuisine than China's, although admittedly I'm ignorant of a lot of Chinese culture.

In terms of daily exposure, I watch Kdramas and listen to Kpop daily and live with my Korean roommate (outside of him I have little to no Korean acquaintances). I don't read/watch any Chinese media currently, but I do have many Chinese/Taiwanese friends as there is a huge population of Chinese-American and international students at my school.

Apologies for the longer than needed post, I needed a place to write down my thoughts as I want to make a logical choice. I do intend on learning both eventually, but as I'm in university I want to take advantage of our fantastic East Asian language department.

Please let me know of other information to consider! I've tried to include what I think is most relevant.

tl;dr conflicted between interest in Korean culture/media and utility of Chinese

submitted by /u/animeLOLosu
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