Advice for teaching English to children?

(I checked out a bunch of other subreddits to post this question, and this one seemed the most adequate. If this doesn't fit here I apologize and I'm willing to remove the post.)

Hello there! I'm Kaan, a 17 years old language nerd. To gain some experience and to simply have a positive impact, I decided to join a charity that supports education in my country. I've been with this charity for a while, but this summer is the big deal. Throughout July and August, I'll be in charge of an English class for kids.

My question is: Where should I start? I'll be at an event this Thursday where me and other volunteers will be taught how to approach children and the do's and don'ts. However, since English is not one of the main lessons I'm required to prepare my own schedule that I will follow for 4 weeks, 4 hours each day. Which subjects should I teach them first?

PS: At the time of writing this, I don't know the age difference between the children (Some classes are randomized, depends on the number of students) but the youngest ones are 7 and the oldest ones are usually around 12-13.

PS 2: Could you rate my English? I'd be embarassing if the teacher wasn't able to use English properly lol

With that being said, I hope everyone has a good day!

Oh and if you'd like to check out the charity, here you go!!

submitted by /u/MetaMaestro1
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from வணக்கம் | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
