French: help for Love ❤️

Okay I am an Indian guy dating a beautiful french sweetheart of mine from past 4 years, now fiancé. I tried learning French but couldn't more than 5 sentences over the time. I know how to say sweetheart, love you, kisses etc in French that saved me so far. Now i am getting married to her in some 8 months from now....

So its been some 15-20 years i didnt learn any language. I have downloaded duolingo and memrise both, and saw some youtube channel sponsoring tutorials.

i would love to speak proper French, grammatically correct, right pronunciation and would like to conversate in French, given her family speaks very less English. So my friends, my friends drop in some awesome suggestions, tutorials, advices, urls and notes that will help me understand French and its nuances

Cheers.. I look forward to hear from you guys and wish everyone a wonderful day ahead

submitted by /u/DivineLove1
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from வணக்கம் | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
