What's the fastest time you learned a language from zero to fluent?

Not asking on what's the most common amount of time to learn a language, but what is the fastest that you personally learned from scratch to fluent (not "native fluent", but being able to understand and talk about almost everything, despite mistakes, so I guess B2 or C1)

There's a ton of ads like "use this and you'll be speaking x language in 2 weeks!" sort of stuff, so I'm wondering what's an actual realistic time for someone to learn a language if they give it their 110% effort? Preferably languages that are different than your native or the languages you already know. Also how many minutes/hours a day did it take on average.

In my case (Eng C1, Rus between B2 and C1, Ger less than A1) I learned Russian the fastest, just a year or two of watching movies without subtitles, but my native is Serbian (at least 40, 50% of words are same), so that doesn't really count.

submitted by /u/jakers036
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