How to balance learning a second language while also attending college?

Pretty much I am entering my second year into college, I started to learn Spanish since Thanksgiving break of second quarter and I pretty much only used Duolingo and random Spanish cartoons as my only source of learning, every day I will just do the exercises and watch one video and be done. I learned a lot of Spanish but it was at a slow pace. However when school ended I spent a lot more time Spanish, consuming way more content, reading SpanishDict Articles and finally actually reading entire books (Currently reading Maze Runner). I like that I am progressing faster but the thing that worries me is that I don't really have a schedule, I just randomly decide studying Spanish whenever I feel like it. What kind of schedule should I have when I return to college? Should I continue reading books everyday, watching videos, how long should I study? I would be interested to know what your language schedules are like outside of breaks

submitted by /u/tonyantonio
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