Learn to read and write a language without speaking it?

I've studied a few languages. Hell, I minored in French. I can't speak it. I hate the sound of French coming out of my stupid Unfrench mouth. And if you speak to me, I will not understand you. We'll come back to this point.

I've been considering a new language. Japanese is at the top of my list. I dread trying to hear and speak it, though. I have been thinking, maybe just forgo all that. Just learn how to read and type it.

Let's go back to that point I made earlier. If you speak French to me, I will not understand you. Here's the reality: this simply never comes up. This is what I've begun to realize. There's no point in my day where I am hearing French. I just read French and write French - that's it. I don't speak it to anyone. Ever. Not a tremendous amount of French being spoken in Texas these days. Japanese would be much the same. I learn a language because I choose to, not because it would open doors for me.

Would I be out of my mind to just learn how to read and write a language, and just completely skip the audio portion? Other than "if you go to Japan, instead of awkwardly spitting out a few sentences you'll just order in English instead" there doesn't seem to be a ton of downside. Of course I'm curious to hear what others think of this idea.

submitted by /u/ThinOperation
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