I'm having a ton of difficulties with reading. What do I do?

So, I've been learning German for around 3 years now and can converse in it (mostly). I had never read a book in German before, so I wanted to give it a try. I had tried to read Harry Potter in the past, but that proved too challenging. My friend recommended Emil and the Detectives, so I downloaded a pdf and tried to get to work. However, although I knew I'd be encountering unfamiliar words, I was surprised by how many I didn't know. Eventually I got to the point where even with a translator I just couldn't understand, and to be frank, I actually broke down and started crying (thank anxiety). The worst part is that online it said most of the vocab was A2, so if I wasn't understanding that, I felt that my German must be way, way worse than I thought. I tried again tonight but after struggling through a couple pages I just gave up and now I feel dumb. I know it might be best to just power through and learn on the way, but I may not be able to handle that mentally. What should I do? Am I just bad?

submitted by /u/TheZhoot
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