A question about learning Urdu as a native Hindi speaker

As a native Hindi speaker I've noticed that a lot of Urdu content when spoken is mostly intelligible to me. I might sometimes need to look some vocabulary up but otherwise Hindi and urdu seem pretty much identical in terms of grammar and share many words in common. ( My Hindi also seems to have more of an Urdu base because I grew up in Mumbai and there is a pretty big Urdu speaking population there).

This video by langfocus seems to confirm a lot of my ideas about the two the languages : https://youtu.be/vxSd7p1i_TA

So since the two languages are so very similiar common vocabulary and grammar is it possible for the native of one to be able to read texts in another by simply learning the script?

There are a few Urdu authors (for example sadaat Hasan Manto) and poets whose works I'd like to be able to read in Urdu , is that possible by simply learning the alphabet?

submitted by /u/Indominus_Khanum
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