Why is it always easier to translate foreign words into your own language than vice-versa?

New to this subreddit, hope this is alright.

From learning English, German and Japanese (while being a native Czech speaker), I always found it way way easier to remember a meaning of a word, than to translate a czech word into a different language.

Example: If someone asked me how to say "insurance company" in German, I'd be lost. But if someone asked "what does Versicherungsgesellschaft mean?" I'd 99% know it means "insurance company".

(Alright, "Versicherungsgesellschaft" might not be the best example because it's a really complicated word. But the same goes to the simpler words.)

In most cases, when someone goes through vocab flashcards, they go from native language to the foreign language. (I do the same.)

Why is it like that? Or is there someone who has it the opposite way?

submitted by /u/memetsundere
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