My shitty journey

I want to learn German.

I am Dutch and i have learned a little bit of German in school and i also want to learn more languages from for example ukraine, poland, russian.My biggest obstacle is that i don't know where to start. I tried duolingo and that stuff but that's kind of shit for me because i can't learn that way, i tried watching tv shows and i can kind of understand it because it sounds like Dutch but it's not as good as i want it obviously.

I tried learning spanish but because that's a roman language it was different, not too difficult but i just lack this know how of where to start, i really don't know what i need to do first.

I love learning languages, English was very easy for me because i played games in english watched movies in english with Dutch subtitles but i doubt that's going to work now because i can't watch or play anything if it's not in english at this point i think in english i don't like the language of my country... i hate it. i don't like songs from my language i don't like movies/media in my language.

I have alot of problems on the language learning aspect that i need to solve and need help with.

I also don't want to travel alot i just love languages and like learning them but i never really know how to start.

I really need specific steps to what i should learn first and second etc.. because i need structure and order.

thanks for listening to this story. comment what you will.

submitted by /u/SolarStarLord97
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