What do you call this unofficial language level?

Hello all!

This is my first time post in this subreddit and I wanted to put my user flair properly.

I am aware of the international levels like A1 to C2 and only did a formal international exam for French language.

I grew up with Taiwanese parents and knew mandarjn before English, but since all schooling was in English where I live, I still consider it my most dominant language-real native.

I am not as full-native for mandarin at all; I can understand most orally or listening but certain many vocabulary are still unknown to me. I can listen to the news but writing or knowing all words is still difficult for me. I did try online quizzes for HSK and got 2 or 3. Still, it is quite unofficial and subjective.

We studied Spanish as a 2nd language since high school and spent at least 4+ years in Cuba studying a career in entirely Spanish. I can easily listen, write and speak and respond properly. (I can't do deeper literary analyses for their culture of poems though, but I can communicate as literally and colloquially as I need to).

How do you describe these levels for my mandarin and Spanish?? Hoping to understand how the levels can be abbrev into my flair to better communicate which languages I can speak/understand.

submitted by /u/iridesonice
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