Trying to converse with natives but having a tough time on apps!

Native english speaker here (I don't look like a "typical american" but I tried my best to beef up my profile to say I am).

I am using the Tandem and Hellotalk apps to find native speakers in Italian or Spanish. I am having a weirdly awful time with it. I normally start intros with something like this "Hi! I am xxx, I would love to chat in Spanish or Italian and in exchange, I can definitely help you with English. To start off, tell me some of your favorite words/phrases that you love saying in Spanish or Italian!" Some variation like that or I try to tie something to their profile to start a conversation.

I have found that most people just really seem to ignore me. Maybe 90%? And the other 10% seem to reply but don't really continue the conversation after 2 messages. I am really frustrated. I am wondering if there is a better way to go about having an actual (and natural) conversation with a native speaker.

I have even gotten to the point of exchanging audio clips a few times, but then the conversation still dies! So frustrated. I am really careful about saying anything that could be perceived as inappropriate too and trying to act in good faith only. But my experience with these apps is honestly making me self-reflect on myself as a person which I didn't expect going into this. So much so that I am considering against traveling and maybe just giving up on language learning.

submitted by /u/NumerousCod8679
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
