Tips for Getting Back Into Learning w/ Mixed Proficiency

Hi folks,

New to this community so please redirect if necessary! I'm looking to freshen up some of my German skills. I've learned on and off for about 10 years, studying through most of high school and college with periods of long breaks (summers, semester long internships, etc.).

In 2018, I put my knowledge to the test by visiting Munich - I realized my proficiency is all over the place. I found that looking at directions, menus and eavesdropping on general conversations were extremely easy. If I was told where something was, where to sit in a restaurant, etc. I understood the same as I do English. For speaking, I was able to ask for basic needs without needing a whole ton of help, but I realized that this is where my primary struggle is. It takes me more time to figure out what to say in response to more complex things, using tenses correctly, etc. even though when spoken TO me, my brain doesn't have to think about it.

Can anyone recommend any tools or resources to freshen up given the context? Is this going down a workbook/textbook route or using an online tool? Both? Curious to hear thoughts!

submitted by /u/Key-Bottle6308
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