
Russian letters & their English counterparts

How to balance learning a second language while also attending college?

Bilingual people often mix 2 languages while speaking. This is called Code Switching. This happens because some words and contexts form a bridge between 2 languages and the brain shifts gears to suit a new context. Social and cognitive cues facilitate this change.

How do people do computer programming in other languages?

Pretty weird...

I'm just trying to study, send help

What onomatopoeia does your language use to describe animal sounds?

Anyone know of any discord servers for German learners?

How long did it take you to finally turn off the subtitles in your target language and not rely on them anymore?


What to do after finishing Duolingo PODCAST

Teach Me Arabic, And i Will Teach You English

Part 2 as requested :)

Is it worth learning a second language if I mostly come across English Speakers and cannot afford language classes?

The Swiss are not easily impressed

Busuu launches world’s first AI-powered grammar practice tool

Help with a translation...

It’s a great feeling

Have you ever volunteered in a foreign country to gain experience in your target language?

A (North) American K-12 and University Primer

Next May I will spend two weeks in Paris (and 3 weeks in other parts of Europe). I'm trying to learn enough French to really smoothly get by by then, how much should I be practicing per day bare minimum?

When is it time for the next move?

Unpopular opinion: It’s okay to wait to start speaking your language

Parler français à Melbourne