
For those who speak German...

Is it better to follow a daily routine or do different things everyday?

What language(s) should I study in university?

The Alphabets of Europe

Henlo fren!

What is it like to attend the North American Summer Esperanto Institute?

Can you share some tips for learning new languages

W=UU, which means it’s NOT a consonant, BUT IS a vowel! 🤯


Help understanding spoken French?

Looking to learn Mandarin

how do you use assimil? what's the most effective way (in your opinion) to use it?

Supplementing my spanish 101 college course

How to study Japanese kanji effectively

Trouble understanding some kinds of videos and podcast

WHY do we have accents when we learn new languages?

The Amazing Life of Michel Thomas, polyglot and creator of the MT Method

Afrihili is a constructed language designed in 1970 by a Ghanaian historian to be used as a lingua franca in all of Africa and easy for Africans to learn. Anyone came across this language before?

A random encounter where I understood something!

Help with learning vowel shifts?

Honestly this meme could apply to almost any pair of Korean consonants

Do you always know your languages or do you need a moment to switch?

Does anyone else have an upmost desire to speak face-to-face with natives in your target language?

How to pronounce ”newspaper”