
Thai and Vietnamese, which one should be easier for a native Mandarin speaker to learn?

For language learners who've read "Fluent Forever" are there any disagreements you have with the methods presented in the book?

Need help finding a website.

Nordic cats and some words to show how each languages are close (or not)

"Yearly support breaks" or my constant frustration with analytic languages

Looking for a Greenlandic speaker

Finding best english textbook.

Language Family Tree

I completed my first day of properly studying Croatian!

How many languages is too many to learn at once?

Listen to Nahuatl, Nasa, Kitxua, Mapuche, Maya, Kakchiquel, Aimara, Guarani, Bariba

Why we should get rid of the letter C

Please support the Stack Exchange proposal for Greek languages. It needs ≥ 400 avid users.

Need recommendations on beginner books for these languages:

What are all the language learning techniques you know?

How much vocabulary do you have to know in order to read a newspaper of some sort (preferably Spanish)?

Would immersing myself in a language even though I understand very little of it work?

Old Website With Tons of Downloadable Language Learning Resources?

Spanish listening activity - Estuve en el amazonas [Intermediate Spanish]

How to Order Fast Food in Spanish