
Research team developing Indigenous languages app - "If we are going to work to revitalize Indigenous languages, we need to engage the community & we need to make this knowledge as open & accessible as possible."

Is there anyone creating novels or analyzing existing novels to see which might contain the 2000 most common words in a given language?

What's your daily/weekly routine for learning your language(s)?

Pro tip: You can use 'immersive reader' feature in MS Word Online to translate text, and read it back to you in your target language. Great for reading/listening comprehension.

Do you think it would be worth to ONLY teach english everywhere in the world?


Me learning Luxembourgish

Time limit

Language skill levels expressed as a percentage of skills of educated native speaker

Does this app exist?

Nus Essan Rumantschs (We Are Romansh) (2017): A short documentary set in the Swiss Alps, exploring Romansh, an endangered language spoken only in Switzerland.

Which is the best language? [The Economist]

Supplement to Pimsleur for Mandarin?

First day teaching a new language

Opinion | The Beauty of Being Bilingual

Watch videos with or without Spanish subtitles?

Anyone have Sorothaptic materials?😹😹😹

Are there any historical accounts of people who revived a dying/dead language?


Alcohol, the Linguist's Wingman