Stuck in a rut

Bit of a rant incoming.

I've been studying Spanish for a little over a year now. About a month ago, I decided to change methods, and started watching Pokémon with subs and audio in Spanish, but this hasn't held too many results. Yet anything more complex, such as El Gran Hotel, which I tried to watch just today, is far beyond my level.

Most every day for the past year, I've spent at least an hour studying the subject in one way or another. Grammar study, listening to music and trying to learn new words, newly watching T.V., speaking to people in Spanish on social media, but it all feels like it's led nowhere.

After all of this, I still struggle to even call myself A2. General comprehension, especially in regards to listening, is enough of an issue, but forming the language on my own is its own issue. Nothing has started to click, and despite attempts at immersion and study, I still have no clue when it comes to the usage of things like prepositions, and pretty much every major topic relating to the language, such as reflexive verbs, has helped to kick me while I'm down.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, but I mostly just wanted to rant about this. For the past months, this has started to lead to me questioning if I'll ever get over this. People keep telling me to keep struggling with it, and that it will eventually click, but it feels like I'm getting nowhere.

submitted by /u/UltimateDoginator
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