How to start learning MSA after learning an arabic dialect ?

Hello everyone ! Not sure if it is the right place to post it so fell free to remove my post if it breaks any rules (but I checked before and I think ot should be fine)

So as you may already know the arabic language is composed by a standard (MSA or Fusha) which is mainly used to write or for formal communication (politics, news channels...) as well as local dialects used by arabs to speak on a daily basis. A lot of arabic learners hesitate between the 2 when picking up the language. But this is not a post asking for advice for where to start. I chose to start with the Egyptian dialect which so far as been a great choice as I'm currently traveling to Egypt and I'm able to communicate relatively well with egyptians who often compliment me on my hability to speak. I'm still new to it and struggling a lot but I'm making quick progress which is great !

Now to my question. I'd like to start learning MSA because I also what to be able to read books. Most of the language learning content focus on learning MSA for people with 0 knowledge in arabic or on learning a dialect for people who already know MSA. But I couldn't find anything for people wanting to learn MSA with previous knowledge of a dialect... So do you have any advice for how to do it ? Any learning material to recomend ? Experience from a fellow language learner who took the same path ?

Thank you for your advices !

submitted by /u/Trakritch
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from Aloha | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
