Those of you who improved your language ability by watching TV, what exactly was your studying process?

Hi all!

I've heard from many people that immersing themselves in media provided a noticeable boost in general ability in their target language. However, whenever I watch media in my target language I'm not sure what the general learning process should be like, and I don't feel like I get much out of the experience.

I'm starting to wonder if maybe I am just more receptive to other styles of learning (specifically visual and kinesthetic rather than auditory), because when I visited the country in which my target language is spoken, I learned so much even in just 2-3 weeks by interacting with locals via body language and limited knowledge of vocab and grammar.

So I'd like to ask you: - how did you use media as a way to study? what did you focus on? - for how long? - what materials did you use to create immersion? - in what ways did your ability improve as a result? were there noticeable differences compared to before?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/verosof
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from Velkommen | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
