Is learning multiple languages still going to be worth it in the future?

Being able to communicate with different people has always been a major advantage whether in a business setting or as a tourist, but as technology advances I can't help but think: is language learning and knowing more than two languages going to be as beneficial in the future?

In 2019 we have Google Translate, and even though it might give you some silly results every now and then, it is surprisingly powerful and with the development of technology it's going to become more and more fluent. One day it might reach a point where you can't tell whether a post you're reading has been done by someone who speaks the language or someone just using a translation software.

That's not all: companies have started developing earbuds that translate languages you hear in real time.

What do you think? Is language learning still going to be worth it in the future?

submitted by /u/rautanaulattaja
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from Velkommen | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
