I want to start a language/linguistics podcast. What do you want to hear about?

So I am finally following through on something I've been wanting to do for a long time: I am going to start a language/linguistics podcast.

I have A LOT of ideas, but I wanted to reach out to other language enthusiasts and see what you'd like to hear in a podcast about languages/linguistics.

Firstly, what do some language podcasts/blogs/YoutTube channels do well? What do you think some language podcasts/blogs/YouTube channels could improve on?

Secondly, My idea is to make a fairly casual, conversational podcast that is a blend of discussing the quirks of different languages each podcast, mixed with bringing fascinating, but complex linguistics theories/ideas to a more 'pop linguistics' kind of level. I am also wondering if I should incorporate language acquisition tips to the content too.

What kind of specific topics would you like to hear about?

submitted by /u/TheWordling
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