Need Advice on my Anki flashcards method!

Hi all,

I am using Anki flashcards along with my Assimil Spanish study book to learn Spanish (native English speaker). Each lesson has several sentences, which must be translated from Spanish to English. I input each sentence with translation into my Anki flashcard collection.

My question is, should I be translating the Spanish sentences to English with a DIRECT translation, or a LITERAL translation. For example with the sentence: "Usted no tiene nada en ningún sitio."

- A DIRECT translation to English would be: "You not have nothing in no place."

- A LITERAL translation would be: "There's nothing wrong with you anywhere."

I am currently using direct translations to learn each sentence. Obviously I can understand what the translation means, but I would not say that direct translation if I were speaking in English normally.

It's easier to translate each sentence with a direct translation, because then each word is accounted for and I can understand the usage of each word. Obviously it would be harder to translate the sentences with a literal translation.

However, I'm worried about how I'll be able to communicate in Spanish when the time comes. Since the literal structure in English would appear in my mind, and then I would translate it into Spanish to whomever I'm speaking with.

Can any language learners give me some advice on this subject? I have been studying Spanish for about 2 months now, and I am currently on Lesson 29 in the Assimil Spanish study book.

submitted by /u/Jlaux1995
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from B’a’ntulena | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
